I have been running consistent challenge groups on Facebook and decided today to look at the results in one of my groups. I knew that they had lost a lot of weight, but I hadn’t realized how much their combined weight loss had been… I worked closely with five ladies and they did an incredible job at staying consistent. To my surprise, when I added the numbers, they had lost a combined amount of 84 lbs, Yes EIGHTY-FOUR pounds!
They lost the weight but what they gained was self-confidence, balance, focus and a whole new lifestyle that is not only helping them but their families as well. I’m SO proud of them! They had such great results, that some of them have chosen to pay it forward and become coaches themselves. Mary, Xhiomara, Elizabeth, Pia and Susan I am SO proud of you!
If you want more information on the challenges, contact me. I’ll be more than happy to help you 🙂