A few months after I had my daughter, i was at an event with some moms who were talking about weight. You know, that’s what we women do. We get together, to talk about our kids, our husbands (yes dudes) and of course, our weight issues. It never fails, it doesn’t matter if it’s in Los Angeles, or in the small town where I now live… that’s what we do, that’s what we talk about. Our weight issue transcends towns, cities, languages, cultures, nationalities and ages. We all have that same conversation in common and for the most part, we feel resigned about it. I remember at the time, a friend of mine said “when you have a baby, you NEVER lose your belly.” I started by saying “….well, actually…” and I said nothing else because my belly was still big and my daughter was already 18 months and I had not lost an ounce, in fact I had GAINED more than an ounce, much, much more! So I shied away and said nothing, because I honestly felt that I had no right to speak up.
A friend said “well I know someone who has 3 kids and looks great.” What was my friend’s response “Oh, she MUST have good genes.” Again, I said nothing… because to a certain degree, I actually also believed that it was true. But then with the help of P90X I proved (mostly to myself) that those theories were actually wrong. We CAN lose weight and we CAN lose our belly fat. I joke now: “It took me 42 years and having a child to get my 6 pack!” It sounds funny, but it’s true and you know what? Genes had nothing to do with it (I’m sorry if you’re a doctor, scientist, biologist or whatever, but no one in my family has abs! NO ONE!!!) And I’m still a work in progress, getting stronger!