The truth of the matter is that when we choose to eat or drink something that won’t support us in reaching our goals, it’s not because that thing has power over us. As much as we don’t like to admit it, the real reason is much simpler: we clearly made the choice to eat or drink that.
We always have a choice to be powerful or not. To eat sugar or not. To be in an environment that supports our lifestyle, or not. To buy something healthy, or not. To clean out our kitchen from junk food, or not. To exercise, or not. Every single choice we make will have a positive or negative impact in our life. What do WE want that impact to be? How do we want to feel after we’ve made that choice? Regret and guilt? Or do we want to feel powerful and strong? This is something that I’m teaching my daughter too: “Every single choice we make has a consequence.” As a mom, I always think about setting that example for her. Am I perfect? No, of course not. Have I made wrong choices? Many times! However, I try to learn something from my failures. Saying “It was a struggle for me” or “I failed” and leaving it at that doesn’t work for me anymore because I’m too committed to living a healthy lifestyle. Those words to me, mean that I gave up and I’m way too stubborn to throw my arms up in the air and not take responsibility for the choices that I clearly made.
So here are my final thoughts for today:
1- Take responsibility for every good or bad choice you’ve made
2- Reflect on what happened
3- What went wrong, or what went right?
4- What can you do differently next time (if anything)?
5- Write it down so you won’t forget.
I have learned to avoid words like: “struggle”, “weakness”, “difficult”. Instead, I use words like “challenge”, because I can always overcome a challenge. Instead of the word “weakness” or “difficult”, I learned from my coach to say: “I’ve got this!” I ALWAYS focus on my goal. Every time we say “something outside of me ‘made me’ eat or drink ___ (fill in the blank)” whether it was our environment, our friends, our hunger, our cravings, our weakness, our struggle, our lack of motivation… whatever else it is, we create self-denial. Do you truly want something outside of you to have THAT much power over your life, over your health, over your vitality? I certainly don’t! Do you really want to say: “I was weak,” “I struggled”, “I couldn’t do it”, to run you for the REST of your life? By using those words, you’re creating a permanent condition where you will always struggle. Where you will never be strong enough. Where you’ll never win. To avoid self-denial instead start with: “I ate that.” “I bought that.” “I made that choice.” “I didn’t say no.”
You ALWAYS have the opportunity to win.