Let’s face it, it happens to the best of us. We head out the door with the best intentions of not straying from our eating healthy habits, we won’t go prepared with our own snacks this time because we’re only going to run one little errand. Four hours later, our errand isn’t complete and we’re STARVING. There are NO grocery stores in sight, nothing to get a “healthy quick bite” except a 7-11 or a gas station. What to do? Well, thankfully, there are always good choices for healthy emergency snacks. Here are a few samples:
Best Choices
Fresh fruit like apples, bananas and oranges
Hard Boiled eggs
Cottage Cheese
1 ounce dark chocolate
Okay choices:
Protein drink
Low sugar granola bar
Low sugar protein bar
100 calorie snack pack
baked chips or pretzels
Your best choices will of course be fresh fruit, raw veggies or nuts.