My family and I LOVE pancakes. However, because I cannot have dairy nor wheat, it’s difficult to find a good recipe for fluffy, yummy pancakes that are also gluten-free and contain no dairy. I’m going to share a secret (and it won’t be a secret anymore!) I found this AMAZING website with great Paleo recipes. Not only that, but they have a free download of recipes using coconut flour Yeah! The recipe below is right from their website. I’ll post a link to their website after I share this recipe.

Coconut flour pancakesIngredients:

6 eggs
3 tbsp raw honey
4 Tbsp. organic, cold-pressed, unrefined coconut oil (melted)
1/2 cup coconut milk
1/4 tsp baking soda
A pinch of salt
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup coconut flour


Mix the first 3 ingredients together really well. Add the coconut milk, baking soda, salt, vanilla and coconut flour and mix lightly. Warm a skillet with coconut oil and when the oil is hot, then use a ladle to measure out the amount of batter to use. At medium heat, cook your pancake on one side for about about 2 minutes, checking the bottom side of the pancake frequently (as these won’t bubble). then flip. Allow to cook for another 2 minutes and serve. Enjoy with grass-fed butter and some organic pure maple syrup. For more awesome recipes, go to the Paleohacks website by clicking here.