While trying to come up with a healthy and easy recipe to make, I decided to expriment a little. I came up with this heatlhy recipe.


4 small salmon fillets, cleaned and deboned

For the sauce:

1 red bell pepper

1 yellow bell pepper

1 orange bell pepper

1/4 red onion

1 cup water

mango chunks (set aside)

5 leaves of fresh basil

Bragg’s Sprinkles (spices you can buy at any health food store)

a dash of Cayenne pepper

Black pepper to taste

Juice of 1 lime.


Preheat the oven at 350 degrees. Boil the bell peppers in the cup of water, once the water boils place the bell peppers under cold water to remove the skin. Make sure to de-seed them too. Add the spices, fresh basil,  black pepper, sprinkles, cayenne pepper, add chopped onion and mango. Add lime juice, black pepper and salt to taste.

Place the salmon on a pyrex, add some additional spices on both sides of the salmon. Then bake it for about 20 minutes. Serve with a side of greens and the mango salsa on top.

Photo by Casey Lee on Unsplash